How do you learn to do things that seem impossible?

How do you learn to do things that seem impossible?

When people you have known for a long time as ordinary and not outstanding (classmates, friends, acquaintances, neighbors), suddenly start doing something completely impossible for them from your point of view, what do you think?

How do you learn to do things that seem impossible

For example, what would you say about a neighbor whose mental and business skills have always made you smile, but who recently moved to a prestigious neighborhood and bought a car ten times more expensive than your wreck… I can answer with a very high probability. Here it is, this phrase: “Fools are lucky!” You bet I’ve heard lines like that a hundred times. And these words were addressed to me personally … In school, I was a quiet triplet, I studied neither shaky nor swollen, mowed from “events”, joined the Komsomol one of the last in the class, “so as not to get”. But then I quickly realized that this life is not for me. So I started to learn… not to be afraid of anything! And I quickly began to learn! So that’s the secret. Yes, there are people who think that nothing is impossible for them. Self-confident, audacious, ignorant of so-called “public opinion”. But these are only a few, an exception to the rule. The overwhelming majority, IMHO, creatures without initiative and… not lazy, no. They just move these people with negative motives rather than positive ones. For these people, “the best motivator is not money, but their absence.” And those who achieve, according to the concepts of such a “normal” person, “completely impossible” result, are considered “lucky” and comfort themselves that “not everyone is lucky. And it is easy to become such a “lucky” person in our wonderful time! You just have to want to! After all, find the right information and learn any practical skills today can quickly and with minimal expense. Information of any, free methods, useful tips, people who are ready to help, on the Internet – as the cat said Matroskin, “just shut up. The main brake ordinary, “normal” person – the lack of practical experience. The excuse is trump card: “I have never done anything like this, I have no experience. And where will he come from if you do nothing? Such a “normal” person does not begin even that he is quite able to with a short training. Sometimes, however, receives a gift from fate – a “magic pendele” – in the form of loss of employment, for example … But even in this case, many continue to look stupidly for work “by profile”, even for much less money. To choose the time, to learn new was once, and now – “I can not risk, I have a family to feed. Step to the right, step to the left – God forbid!

How do you learn to do things that seem impossible

However, does not take into account such a person that in the absence of money “stash” (and where it comes from with a kopecks salary), even a “guaranteed” job does not give any guarantees in force majeure circumstances that are nowadays happening more and more often. And simply – “no learning”, getting stuck on one level (in any sphere of human activity) sharply reduces the market value of man in our rapidly changing times. I see only one way out – to closely monitor profitable trends (tendencies) and quickly learn to benefit from these trends. Quickly learn what will be in demand tomorrow. Even if it seems impossible to you. Impossible for now. Anything in the world is possible. It would be courageous to set yourself a goal and a desire to achieve that goal, no matter what it takes. Let me repeat: you can find almost any information you need and learn any practical skills today, quickly and at minimum cost. Any information, free methods, useful tips, people who are ready to help, on the Internet “just shut up”. Learn today to do what you yesterday considered impossible, you can very quickly. For this you need: 1. Set a goal. 2. Gather information. 3. Make a realistic, step-by-step plan and… 4. Act. Quickly. That’s bold! Immediately! Don’t let the “normal people” around you understand. You live your own life, only your personal life! By the way, the motto of all SAS employees – Special Air Service, Special Forces units of the British Armed Forces (a very serious “office”) – “Who Dares Wins” (“Defeat the Daring”). Not a smart, cautious, best of all “nasty”, etc. Go for it! And from any situation will come out the winner! And I want to finish with an extract from an interview with a British soldier of the elite SAS special unit to a BBC correspondent: “Yes, we do the impossible. But we are the people! …If you delay, you will die. You’re going to die!”