What are the health benefits of yoga?

What are the health benefits of yoga?

Health and https://www.julianalucky.com/yoga-for-kids is the foundation of happiness. A person who is constantly in pain cannot relax and switch to something else. Stiffness and discomfort in the body leave their mark: a person seems to shrink, closes from the world. Where there is tension, there is no place for harmony. Speaking of health, we mean both physical and mental components. A healthy person radiates the light of peace, knows what he wants, and is in touch with himself.

There are no magic pills that would give us all of the above in an instant. But there are ways to find it – thoughtfully and consciously working with the body and mind. One of these ways is yoga benefits for the soul and body.

For many, the reason to turn to the ancient tradition is precisely health problems: they are worried about back pain, migraines, and anxiety. Practicing regularly, a person begins to understand that classes give much more than he expected. The main thing is to start and allow yourself to reach a qualitatively new level of life.

B.K. S. Iyengar, the book “Yoga – the path to health”:
“To be healthy is not just not to get sick. Health implies perfect balance and harmony between joints, tissues, muscles, cells, nerves, glands and all body systems. Health is the perfect balance of body and mind, mind and soul.”