What is dyslexia?

What is dyslexia?

Numerical version of dyslexia, also called dyscalculia, is a condition in which a person has difficulty perceiving and processing mathematics and equations. Someone with number dyslexia may transpose numbers or confuse symbols such as + or X. Other signs of dyscalculia may include difficulty counting time on analog clocks, learning to count, or measuring or weighing objects.

The condition can be diagnosed by a teacher or professional who specializes in learning problems. To diagnose number dyslexia, a person can assess how the student is processing basic skills such as counting or doing simple equations such as addition and multiplication. A professional may also examine a student’s ability to measure items, both physical and abstract, such as passing minutes. To make a diagnosis, the student’s actual ability

is compared to the expected ability for her age or level of education.

Numerical dyslexia manifests itself differently depending on the age of the student. A very young child may struggle to learn how to count or understand the relationship between numbers and objects. For example, a 3-year-old may not understand what “three candies” means. Preschoolers and very young children with dyscalculia may also struggle to make logical connections between objects. For example, they may have difficulty grouping red objects or cone-shaped objects.

When a child with number dyslexia gets older, he or she is likely to have difficulty understanding basic math or fixing math facts such as addition, subtraction, or multiplication in memory. Learning the meaning of math words such as multiplication is difficult for an older student with dyscalculia. Measuring and solving problems is also a problem. It might help: https://argoprep.com/blog/k8/abacus/.

Adults with this condition have some difficulty with everyday tasks. An adult with dyslexia may have difficulty estimating the cost of a meal or a trip to the grocery store before she gets to the check-out line. Sticking to a budget or balancing a checkbook is also a struggle. An adult with dyscalculia may have trouble getting to places on schedule or figuring out how long it will take to complete a task.

This condition can be treated if the student has strengths and weaknesses. Because people with dyscalculia usually struggle to understand abstract concepts such as time, many benefit primarily from focusing on specific objects, such as measuring distance rather than measuring minutes. People who struggle to understand concepts benefit from full explanations of those concepts and from questions that arise any time they encounter difficulties.